Dive into the action-packed world of wrestling with Fenix vs Lilith in the ring. Fenix, a formidable presence, comes equipped in a black mask, swimsuit, knee pads, and boots, ready for combat. Lilith, equally impressive, adorns a blue mask, swimsuit, knee pads, and boots, signaling her readiness for the challenge. This match is a spectacle of strength and skill, featuring intense punching, a choke hold, and a snap mare. Witness a classic test of strength, mercy, and the grueling Boston crab. The fighters skillfully execute a wrist lock, stretch muffler, and the crowd-pleasing hairpull and wedgie. The tension builds with a chicken wing, fold pin, leg bar, and a bow and arrow. The match culminates in a dramatic nudo, leading to a submission, an unmasking, and a final wedgie, all capped off with a victorious pose.
TIME: 12 minutes
SIZE: 1.40 gb
RESOLUTION: 1920x1080
TAGS: Fenix, Lilith, Wrestling, Ring, BlackMask, BlueMask, Swimsuit, KneePads, Boots, Punching, ChokeHold, SnapMare, TestOfStrength, Mercy, BostonCrab, WristLock, StretchMuffler, Hairpull, Wedgie, ChickenWing, FoldPin, LegBar, BowAndArrow, Nudo, Submission, Unmask, VictoryPose