Name: Alejandro Regino
Last name: Villarreal Diaz
City: General Zuazua
State: Nuevo Leon
Country: México
Zip: 65760
Bank info:
(Si estás en México, puedes realizar un depósito o transferencia a nuestra cuenta bancaria. A continuación, los datos:)
BANAMEX: Banco Nacional de México, S. A.
CLABE: 002580903770405880
CARD: 5256 7825 4048 6597
ACC: 81043922495
BBVA: BBVA Bancomer, S.A.
CLABE: 012580015744588239
CARD: 4152 3138 4759 8070
ACC: 1574458823
BANCOPPEL: Bancoppel, S.A.
CLABE: 137587104402094388
CARD: 4169160819766206
ACC: 10440209438
Contact and Payment Confirmation:
To confirm your payment, please send us the receipt with the following details:
Sender’s Full Name:
Payment Amount:
Date and Time of Payment:
Control Number (MTCN) for Western Union (if applicable):
to our email