Step into the ring for a dramatic wrestling bout between Tanya, the ruthless villain, and Helen, the underdog 'babyface'. The match begins with both wrestlers vying for control until Helen manages to secure a headlock on Tanya. However, Tanya's cunning prevails as she throws Helen into the ropes, dodges a clothesline, and strategically strikes Helen's knee, bringing her down. Tanya then unleashes a series of excruciating knee-focused holds on Helen. She skillfully applies a 'stretch muffler' and a 'single leg crab', among others, targeting Helen's knee to cause immense pain. Tanya revels in the torture she inflicts, visibly enjoying Helen's agony. After sufficient torment, Tanya decides to finish the match with a 'figure four leglock'. She ruthlessly maintains the hold even after Helen submits, relentless in her assault. The hold continues until Helen passes out from the pain, but Tanya doesn't release it immediately, savoring her domination. Finally content with her victory, Tanya releases the hold and stands triumphantly over her unconscious opponent. She boasts about her victory, having thoroughly destroyed Helen in a display of her villainous prowess. TIME: 12 MINUTES SIZE: 1.05 GB FORMAT: MOV RESOLUTION: 1920x1080 PICTURES: 633 TAGS: wrestling, Tanya, Helen, villain, babyface, figure four leglock, domination, submission, victory,