Enter a world of intense rivalry with a 20-minute showdown between Aris and Laurie. The match starts with a seemingly friendly interaction as Aris and Laurie take selfies and dance together. However, the mood quickly shifts when Aris begins to tickle Laurie, escalating to a full-on assault. The confrontation turns violent as Aris uses various tactics, including an ankle lock, belt whipping, and throwing Laurie against the walls. The brutality continues with Aris performing a spinning Full Nelson and a body slam onto chairs. Laurie attempts to fight back, but Aris relentlessly attacks, using scissors, and even intimidating Laurie with a gun. Forced into humiliation, Laurie acts like a dog under Aris's command. In a turn of events, Laurie traps Aris in a head scissor, but Aris fights back, leading to Laurie's further humiliation and fear. Aris then brutally beats Laurie, employing various aggressive tactics like scratching, biting, and using a drill. The final scene is particularly harrowing as Laurie, severely injured, is painted and symbolically crucified on a wall, echoing a dark, twisted version of a crucifixion scene. TIME: 24 MIN SIZE: 2.13 GB FORMAT: MOV RESOLUTION: 1920x1080 PICTURES: 1129 TAGS: wrestling, Aris, Laurie, confrontation, violence, scripted, entertainment,