Get ready for an intense MMA fighting match with "Elektra vs Holy," a gripping 19-minute spectacle. Delivered in a high-quality 2.10 GB MOV format, this match unfolds in a stunning 1920x1080 resolution, capturing every detail of the fierce combat. Set in the ring, both Elektra and Holy are geared up in their respective black and colorful bikinis, complemented with MMA gloves and fighting barefoot, adding an edge to their fierce personas. The match is a whirlwind of action, featuring a flurry of punches, kicks, armbars, choke holds, headlocks, headscissors, Boston crabs, and bodyscissors. Each move is executed with precision and power, showcasing the fighters' skills and determination. The bout reaches its climax with a sleeper hold leading to a submission, followed by a triumphant victory pose. "Elektra vs Holy" is a must-watch for MMA enthusiasts and those who appreciate the art of combat sports. TIME: 19 minutes SIZE: 2.10 gb FORMAT: mov RESOLUTION: 1920x1080 PICTURES: 1207 pictures TAGS: wrestling, exhilarating, kicks, holds, crabs, sharpshooters, backbreakers, racks, clutches, intensity, Helen, uniform, style, maneuvers, stretch, hair, pulls, spreads, buster, submission, victory, spectacle, strength, skill, domination.