Step into the ring for "Aris vs Kira," a one-sided pro wrestling spectacle where dominance is the name of the game. Over 20 minutes of intense action, watch as Aris takes control with a relentless display of power and technique. Both warriors, donning matching black bikinis, knee pads, and boots, are the epitome of strength and determination. But in this clash, it's Aris's day to shine. From belly punches to hair pulling, she asserts her dominance with precision and brute force. Feel the intensity through every fish hook, choke, and face squish. Cringe as she locks in the unforgiving camel clutch, lifts Kira in a fireman's carry, and executes a ruthless crossface and headscissors. Captured in crystal clear 1920x1080 resolution, each move, each submission hold, and the final display of supremacy with the anaconda and bodyscissors leading to a knockout, is immortalized. The final victory pose is not just a moment but a statement of the undeniable force that is Aris. Prepare to be captivated by this one-sided affair where skill, grit, and sheer force collide. Download now and witness the unyielding power of pro wrestling's fiercest competitor. CATEGORY: One sided, pro style wrestling, TIME: 20 minutes SIZE: 2.30 gb FORMAT: MOV RESOLUTION: 1920x1080 PICTURES: 884 LOCATION: ring ATTIRES: * Aris: black bikini, knee pads, boots, * Kira: black bikini, knee pads, boots, DESCRIPTION: belly punching, hairpull, fish hook, choke, face sqwuish, camel clutch, fireman carry, crossface, headscissors, ENDING: anaconda, bodyscissors, ko, victory pose,