2023-05-14 CANDY VS LEAH


18 minutes - 1026 pictures

Heat up your wrestling fantasies with CANDY VS LEAH! This 18-minute face-off features 1026 pictures of two attractive women going head-to-head in a competitive wrestling match. Enjoy all the exciting moves, from test of strength and spanking to bodyscissors, armbar and biting. And don’t forget about the victor’s triumphant victory pose! Get ready to witness the match of your dreams with CANDY VS LEAH! 

 Style: competitive, wrestling 
Attires: bikini, barefoot, 
 Moves: test of strength, spanking, hairpull, bodypress, bodyscissors, headscssirs, armbar, biting, camel clutch, fish hook, eye gouging, leg spread, fold pin, belly punching, facesit, grapevine pin, boston crab, wedgie, figure 4, crotch attack, surfboard, smother, armbar, submission, victory pose,