2022-06-05 JADE VS LEAH (swimsuit vs swimsuit bet match)


It is the year 2022 and two friends, JADE and LEAH, have always been competing against each other in sports. They decided to take their competition to the next level by making a bet on who is better in a one-on-one match. They agreed to a swimsuit vs swimsuit match, with no rules applied other than that they both had to wear their swimsuits during the fight.

The stakes are high - if JADE wins, LEAH will have to give up her special swimsuit. If LEAH wins, JADE will have to surrender hers.

The match takes place in an old abandoned building that has been transformed into a battle arena. Both women stand at opposite sides of the arena, wearing their respective swimsuits. They size each other up for a few moments before the bell rings. The fight is on!...

19 minutes - 1168 pictures

Get ready for a battle to blow your mind! JADE VS LEAH is an intense 19-minute swimsuit match that features 1168 pictures of competitive wrestling. Enjoy watching as these two bikini babes grapple, smother, hammerlock, and fold pin each other until one submits. Get ready for some serious action as they strip and fight it out in a battle to the finish!

swimsuit, barefoot, competitive, scissors, headlock, grappling, smother, hammerlock, fold pin, submission, strip,