2020-02-28 FENIX VS SASHA


Step into the ring with FENIX VS SASHA! Witness this one-sided, pro style wrestling match like never before with 11 minutes of intense battle featuring 490 breathtaking pictures. Get up close and personal as they grapple in swimsuit, bikini, knee pads, and barefoot attires while performing belly, armpits, punishment, choke, body lift, airplane spin, and angelito moves. Get ready for a one-of-a-kind experience!

11 minutes - 490 pictures

Style: one sided, pro style wrestling

Attires: swimsuit, bikini, knee pads, barefoot, 

Moves: belly, armpits, punishment, choke, body lift, airplane spin, angelito,

P20: 11 minutes

P30: 11 minutes 

490 pics